martes, 20 de abril de 2010



Long Action Short Action While I was eating my car broke down While I was sleeping a dog bit me While I was changing my clothes the phone rang While I was fixing my car the lights went out While I was painting the house I dropped my glass
While I was cleating the house my computer froze
While I was driving to work my friend stopped by
While I was cooking dinner I sang a song
While I was playing basketball I got sick
While I was washing my clothes the game ended

1. Escoge una acción larga y una acción corta y construye 10 oraciones usando el PASADO CONTINUO.
1. While I was eating the pone rong.
2. While I was sleeping i got sick.
3. While I was changing my clothes my clothes I sangasong.
4. While I was fixing mu car my car broke down.
5. While I was painting the house the lights wen yout.
6. While I was cleating the huse my friend stopped by.
7. While I was driving to work my computer froze.
8. While I was cooking dinner a dog bit me.
9. While I was playin baskesball the game ended.
10. While I was washing my clothes I dropeed my glass.

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